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Data Developer: Most Common SQL Queries and Errors

In Learning, Data Engineering 101, T-SQL,

Apr 09, 2023

As an SQL developer, you will spend a significant amount of time writing queries to extract data from databases.

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Becoming a Successful Data Engineer: Lessons Learned from Common Mistakes

In Career, Learning, Data Engineering 101,

Mar 14, 2023

This article outlines common pitfalls that aspiring data engineers should be aware of and provides actionable advice for avoiding these mistakes, as well as best practices to follow i...

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Unlocking the Path to Success: Transitioning from SQL Developer to Data Engineer

In Career, Technical Interview, Data Engineering 101,

Feb 28, 2023

Learn how SQL developers can transition to become data engineers, acquire new skills, and land their dream job with these expert tips.

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How Migrate Your SSIS ETL Pipeline to Azure Data Factory in 6 Easy Steps: A Comprehensive Guide

In ETL, Azure Data Factory, SSIS,

Feb 16, 2023

Migrating Your SSIS ETL Pipeline to Azure Data Factory: Everything You Need to Know

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ETL: Following Best Practices


Jan 26, 2023

What is ETL? the ETL process is the process used to move data from one source to one destination.

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How to Perform a SQL Server Query Tune on a Table Without Rows

In SQL, Performance, Performance Tools,

May 24, 2021

Here's a quick way on how you can tune queries using an empty table and SentryOne Plan Explorer.

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From SQL DBA to BI Developer: Where to start?

In Career,

Apr 21, 2021

All roads lead to Rome. This is a famous proverb of medieval origin that tells us that many roads or ways that lead to the same goal.

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Hey, I'm Javier

In Profile, Career,

Apr 21, 2021

Welcome to the Data Slugger Blog!! I'm a Data Engineer professional living and working in The Woodlands, Texas..

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How I got here: Unlocking My Story

In Career,

Jun 07, 2020

When I decided to share my journey I thought other people had a better story to tell or they experienced bigger challenges in comparison to mine.I remembered a phrase that a good boss...

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