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Becoming a Successful Data Engineer: Lessons Learned from Common Mistakes

Javier Javier   Mar 14, 2023 · 12 mins read
Becoming a Successful Data Engineer: Lessons Learned from Common Mistakes
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When I started my path to become a Data Engineer, I did many mistakes in my learning process.

As a data developer, it’s essential to understand that your work is critical to the success of your organization. You’re responsible for managing and processing data, ensuring data quality and accuracy, and creating meaningful insights that drive business decisions.

However, even the most experienced data developers can make mistakes that can have a significant impact on the accuracy and quality of the data they work with.

In this post, we’ll discuss some of the most common mistakes that data developers make and provide tips on how to avoid them.

Mistake #1: Failing to Define Clear Requirements:

One of the most common mistakes that data developers make is failing to define clear requirements. Before you start working on any project, it’s crucial to define what you’re trying to achieve and what your stakeholders expect from you. This includes understanding the data sources you’ll be working with, the data formats you’ll be using, the business rules that apply, and the end goals of the project.

To avoid this mistake, it’s important to engage with stakeholders early on in the project to understand their needs and requirements. This will help you define clear objectives and ensure that you’re working towards a common goal. It’s also essential to document these requirements and revisit them periodically throughout the project to ensure that you’re staying on track.


Mistake #2: Failing to Validate Data Quality:

Another common mistake that data developers make is failing to validate data quality. Data quality refers to the accuracy, completeness, and consistency of data. It’s critical to ensure that the data you’re working with is of high quality, as poor quality data can lead to incorrect conclusions and poor business decisions.

To avoid this mistake, it’s important to implement a data validation process that checks for data quality issues before data is used for analysis or reporting. This can include checking for missing or incomplete data, validating data types and ranges, and ensuring that data conforms to business rules and standards. Failing to validate data quality is a common mistake that can have serious consequences for data projects. Data quality is critical in ensuring the accuracy and reliability of data, and it’s important for data developers to implement measures to validate data quality throughout their projects.

For example: Let’s say a data development team is tasked with creating a report on customer satisfaction for a retail business. The team collects data from various sources, but fails to validate the data quality before using it in the report. The report is then used by the business to make critical decisions, but the data is found to be inaccurate and unreliable.

To avoid this mistake, the data development team should have implemented measures to validate the data quality before using it in the report. This could include running checks on the data to ensure that it’s accurate, consistent, and complete, and verifying the data against known sources to ensure that it’s reliable.

Another example of failing to validate data quality is in data integration. When integrating data from multiple sources, it’s important to validate the quality of the data to ensure that it’s accurate and reliable. Failing to do so can lead to data inconsistencies and errors.

For instance, a data development team might integrate data from two separate sources without validating the data quality. Later on, it’s discovered that the data from one source is outdated and inaccurate, leading to errors in the integrated data. To avoid this mistake, the data development team should have implemented measures to validate the data quality before integrating it.

Mistake #3: Not Documenting Code and Processes:

Documentation is a critical component of any data development project. It ensures that others can understand your code and processes and that your work can be easily maintained and updated over time. Unfortunately, many data developers fail to document their work adequately, which can lead to confusion and errors down the line.

To avoid this mistake, it’s important to create documentation that is clear, concise, and easy to understand. This can include code comments, process diagrams, and user manuals. It’s also crucial to keep this documentation up-to-date as changes are made to the code or processes.


Here’s an example of how to improve documentation in data development:

Let’s say a data development team is working on a project to create a data pipeline that extracts data from various sources, transforms it, and loads it into a data warehouse. The team has already written several scripts to accomplish these tasks, but they haven’t documented the code or the process.

To improve documentation, the team could start by documenting the process flow of the data pipeline. This could include creating a diagram or flowchart that outlines the various steps in the process, including data sources, transformations, and destinations.

Next, the team could add comments to the code to explain what each section of the code does. Comments can be added to individual lines of code or to entire sections of code, and should explain the purpose and functionality of each section.

The team could also create a separate document that outlines the overall architecture of the data pipeline, including the hardware and software components, and any dependencies or integration points.

Finally, the team could implement a version control system, like Git, to track changes to the code and the documentation over time. This allows the team to easily roll back changes and to collaborate more effectively on the project.

By implementing a robust documentation strategy like this, the data development team can ensure that their project is well-documented and easy to understand, making it easier to maintain and update over time. It also helps new team members to quickly get up to speed on the project, and to contribute effectively to the project.

Mistake #4: Not Considering Data Security and Privacy:

Data security and privacy are critical concerns for any organization that works with sensitive data. Unfortunately, many data developers fail to consider these issues when designing and implementing data solutions, which can lead to data breaches and other security incidents.

To avoid this mistake, it’s important to follow best practices for data security and privacy, including using strong passwords and encryption, implementing access controls and permissions, and ensuring that data is stored and transmitted securely. It’s also essential to stay up-to-date on the latest security threats and vulnerabilities and to take steps to mitigate these risks.

Mistake #5: Not Using Version Control:

In data development is not using source control, which is a mistake that can have serious consequences for data projects. Source control is a tool used to manage changes to source code and other files in a project, allowing developers to keep track of changes, collaborate effectively, and roll back changes when necessary.

In data development, source control is important because it allows developers to track changes to data models, scripts, and other artifacts used in data projects. Without source control, it can be difficult to track changes to these artifacts, leading to confusion, errors, and even data loss.

For example: Imagine a team of data developers working on a project without source control. One developer makes a change to a data model, but forgets to notify the rest of the team. Later on, another developer makes a change to the same model, but doesn’t realize that the first developer made changes as well. This can lead to conflicts and errors, and it can be difficult to determine which changes should be kept.


In contrast, using source control allows developers to track changes to data models, scripts, and other artifacts, making it easy to collaborate and ensure that changes are consistent across the project. Source control also allows developers to roll back changes if necessary, which can be critical in ensuring data integrity.

There are several source control tools available, including Git, SVN, and Mercurial, and many of these tools integrate with popular data development environments like SQL Server Management Studio, PyCharm, and Jupyter Notebook.

It’s important for data developers to choose a source control tool that fits their needs and to use it consistently throughout their projects.

In summary, not using source control is a significant mistake in data development that can lead to confusion, errors, and even data loss. By implementing a robust source control strategy, data developers can ensure that their projects are well-managed, efficient, and accurate.

Mistake #6: Overcomplicating Data Solutions:

Data development projects can quickly become overly complex, leading to inefficient and confusing data solutions. This can occur when data developers try to incorporate too many features or functionality into their solutions, leading to bloated and hard-to-use solutions.

To avoid this mistake, it’s important to keep data solutions as simple and straightforward as possible. This includes using only the features that are necessary and avoiding unnecessary complexity. This will make it easier to maintain and update the solution over time and ensure that stakeholders can easily use and understand the solution. Overcomplicating data solutions is a common mistake in data development that can lead to inefficient and confusing solutions. This can happen when data developers try to incorporate too many features or functionality into their solutions, leading to bloated and hard-to-use solutions.

For example: Let’s say a data development team is tasked with creating a dashboard to track sales performance. The team decides to incorporate several advanced visualization techniques and complex data analysis algorithms into the dashboard, making it difficult to navigate and understand for the end-users.

Instead, the team could have simplified the dashboard by focusing on the key metrics that are most important to the end-users. This would have made the dashboard more user-friendly and efficient, while still providing the necessary insights.

Another example of overcomplicating data solutions is in data modeling. Data modeling is a critical component of data development, but it’s important to keep data models as simple as possible. Complex data models can be difficult to maintain and update over time, and can lead to issues with data integrity.

For instance, a data model for a retail business might include several layers of hierarchies and relationships, making it difficult to manage and update. A simpler data model that includes only the necessary relationships and hierarchies would be easier to manage and update over time, while still providing the necessary insights for the business.

Mistake #7: Not Testing Code and Processes:

Testing is a critical component of any data development project. It ensures that the code and processes you develop work as intended and that you’re not introducing new bugs or errors into the system. Unfortunately, many data developers fail to test their code and processes adequately, leading to issues and errors down the line.

To avoid this mistake, it’s important to implement a robust testing process that includes unit testing, integration testing, and system testing. This will ensure that your code and processes are thoroughly tested before they’re deployed into production.

Mistake #8: Failing to Communicate Effectively:

Effective communication is critical for any successful data development project. Unfortunately, many data developers fail to communicate effectively with stakeholders, leading to misunderstandings and delays.

To avoid this mistake, it’s important to communicate clearly and effectively with stakeholders throughout the project. This includes providing regular updates on progress, seeking feedback and input, and being transparent about any issues or challenges that arise.


Mistake #9: Not Staying Up-to-Date on Emerging Technologies

The field of data development is constantly evolving, with new technologies and tools being developed all the time. Unfortunately, many data developers fail to stay up-to-date on these emerging technologies, leading to outdated and inefficient data solutions.

To avoid this mistake, it’s important to stay informed about emerging technologies and tools and to continually evaluate whether they could be useful in your work. This includes attending industry events, following thought leaders on social media, and participating in online forums and communities.

Mistake #10: Failing to Learn from Mistakes

Finally, one of the most significant mistakes that data developers can make is failing to learn from their mistakes. Data development projects can be complex and challenging, and mistakes are inevitable. However, failing to learn from these mistakes can lead to the same issues arising again and again.

To avoid this mistake, it’s important to take a proactive approach to learning from mistakes. This includes conducting post-mortem reviews of projects, identifying what went wrong and why, and implementing measures to ensure that similar mistakes don’t occur in the future.



Data development is a critical component of any organization that relies on data to drive decision-making. However, even the most experienced data developers can make mistakes that can impact the accuracy and quality of the data they work with. By understanding these common mistakes and implementing measures to avoid them, data developers can ensure that their work is efficient, accurate, and effective.

I hope that you have found the information on common mistakes in data development to be helpful and informative. Remember, data development is a complex and ever-evolving field, and it’s important to stay vigilant in order to avoid common pitfalls and mistakes.

Until the next publication, I encourage you to continue learning and exploring the world of data development. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to leave a comment.

Thank you for your time and attention, and see you in my next post.

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Written by Javier Follow
Greetings! I'm Javier, a seasoned data enthusiast with a unique background as a former baseball player. I thrive on exploring innovative concepts and have a deep passion for writing. Dive into this personal project of mine and discover my unwavering commitment to leveraging Python and Spark DataFrames in my work. With a decade of expertise in data engineering, I've honed my skills across SQL Server, Azure SQL, SSIS, and Databricks, tackling complex data challenges with enthusiasm. Join me on this journey as we navigate the intricacies of the data world!