SQL, Performance, Performance-Tools,

How to Perform a SQL Server Query Tune on a Table Without Rows

Javier Javier   May 24, 2021 · 1 min read
How to Perform a SQL Server Query Tune on a Table Without Rows
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Are you dealing with performance issues in a production environment? Sometimes we can found queries called behind a DMZ or PCI Environment.

Tuning these queries is not always a straightforward process.
I mean this because the SQL Server instance behind a DMZ or PCI environment in many scenarios can difficult to tune; it’s not easy to establish a connection from an uncontrolled environment.
Also, it’s not a good idea to open back-doors to the developers or DBA’s when we can get issues related to sensitive data like GDRP, HIPPA, PCI, etc.

What options do we have?

Let’s assume the following scenario:

We have a SQL Server instance behind a PCI environment, where we have sensitive financial data that only can be accessed from a limited list of servers.
We cannot install performance tools in these server boxes.
Per PCI compliance, we cannot restore the database on a development environment using the same data we had within the controlled environment.

  1. Tune the query
TOP 10 * 
FROM sys.dm_exec_request
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Written by Javier Follow
Greetings! I'm Javier, a seasoned data enthusiast with a unique background as a former baseball player. I thrive on exploring innovative concepts and have a deep passion for writing. Dive into this personal project of mine and discover my unwavering commitment to leveraging Python and Spark DataFrames in my work. With a decade of expertise in data engineering, I've honed my skills across SQL Server, Azure SQL, SSIS, and Databricks, tackling complex data challenges with enthusiasm. Join me on this journey as we navigate the intricacies of the data world!